If you want to be a model, the main demand is to have a clean and flawless face, and have no acne. Because acne problem, have been a classic problem since antiquity, yet acne still be discussed. And peoples always want to know the solution. There is some tips to keep off, cure, and dismiss acne which I found from some Internet article. Below is some tips that you can try to cure and dismiss acne:
1. To keep off the acne, its better for teenager to often wash their face with fresh water. Because teenager’s face have more facial oil that if not cleaned, then it will plug face’s pores and in the end it will cause acne.
2. Avoid stain or pollution that obtained when you drive. Like when you drive motorcycle, try as possible as you can to avoid fumes. Wear a mask when you drive motorcycle.
3. Avoid spicy and fatty food. And the mind too, which always forced to think out of its ability so that causes stress. Because, Stress is the main causes of acne toward teenage girls.
4. Always watch on your eating habits, and food that eaten. Like fatty food and egg, those usually cause acne. Try to avoid those foods.
5. To keep off acne, points 1-4 seem enough to help you. But, how if you already pimpled? Its better to not push the acne, because, this is the main causes which make the face full of acne’s stain.
6. To keep off acne apart of points above, best for teenage girls or boys to diligently exercising. You know why? Because with exercising, the body’s temperature hotter, and this state will wide face’s spores, so that can be easier to release stain in face’s spores. And In the end will keep away acne problem from you.
7. Before take a bath, wash your face with warm water and rinse it. But, REMEMBER, don’t use hot water. Hot water can crack face’s spores. And the way you wash too, which wash harshly on the spot contained by acne. Try to take care of it softly, with warm wet wiper. So that not causes acne’s stain which causes pocky on the face in the end.
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